Social event
El Pimpi is one of the most iconic places in Malaga and, with more than 40 years of history, it has become a meeting point for locals of all ages, becoming a destination that attracts the eyes of all tourists visiting the city.
The winery was originated in 1971, in an old 18th century manor house, bouil on an old Roman Empire road. EL Pimpi is divided into several rooms and courtyards, each one decorated in a different way, which makes them unique.
The soul of this winery also lies in its carefully chosen decoration, which evokes the essence of the past in the city, and which does not go unnoticed in the eyes of numerous personalities who have enjoyed the "Pimpi" experience, such as Gloria Fuertes, Dani Rovira and Antonio Banderas.
On the 28th of January, we will enjoy a welcome cocktail at El Pimpi, where we will be able to taste the following spanish menu:
Jamón Ibérico de Bellota.
Surtido de quesos andaluces.
Cucharita de ensaladilla rusa y alcaparras fritas.
Cremoso de payoyo, higo, avellana y miel de romero.
Salmorejo con taquitos de jamón Ibérico.
Pipirrana y mejillón en escabeche.
Brioche de atún picante.
Molletito de pringá.
Croquetas de jamón Ibérico.
Carrilladas al PX y manzana asada.
Hamburguesita de vaca, queso viejo y pepinillos.
Buñuelos de bacalao.
Minibrocheta de pluma Ibérica y calabacín.
POSTRE: Surtido de postres
Drink included until the menu is finished: wine, beer, soft drinks and water.
The dinner on 29th January will be held at the Gran Hotel Miramar.