Invited talks
Juan BisquertDistinguished Research Professor, Instituto de Tecnologia Química, Universitat Politècnica de València-CSIC. Title of the talk: The Inductive Property of Neuromorphic Memristors jgjAajjht545h45h |
Amador PérezDistinguished CSIC researcher at the Power & Systems Group of Barcelona Institut of Microelectronics (IMB-CNM-CSIC). Title of the talk: Wide and Ultrawide Badgap Semiconductors: There Also is Plenty of Room at the Wide Side A A |
Angèle ReindersAngèle Reinders is the Director of Solliance and Professor of Design of Sustainable Energy Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology. Title of the talk: Photovoltaic performance to Building Integrated Photovoltaic fewgewgrw gwgwge fewfwef ihoihfef |
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Cor ClaeysProfessor Claeys is a leading Belgian academic in the field of microelectronics and electrical engineering. He is a member of the Electrochemical Society and the IEEE. He was with IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, from 1984 to 2016. Title of the talk: Defect Engineering of III-V Materials and Devices: Are Extended Defects a Show Stopper ewfhewfhewfgthe gtrgerreg |