Extended paper submission


Submission of the extended abstract

Prospective authors are expected to submit only their own original works that is currently not under review somewhere else. The Conference will verify, for long abstracts, not the initial ones, the originality of manuscripts by comparing them with millions of other articles in databases worldwide. Manuscripts that violate IEEES publication principles may be rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, then disciplinary actions may also be taken by IEEE.

By submitting a paper, the authors agree to take part in the peer review process and perform a fair review of other papers submitted, if invited by members of the Program Committee.

To download the Word template, you can use the following link:

Download the IEEE Conference Template (A4)

Clicking on the link should directly start the download of the file.

Download the LaTeX template here, linked to: https://www.ieee.org/content/dam/ieee-org/ieee/web/org/conferences/conference-latex-template.zip

Submission form

Fields marked with * are required.

* Email:
* Contact telephone:
* Communication Title:

Main author
* 1st surname:
2nd surname:
* Name: 
Author #2
1st surname:
2nd surname:
Author #3
1st surname:
2nd surname:
Author #4
1st surname:
2nd surname:
Author #5
1st surname:
2nd surname:
Author #6
1st surname:
2nd surname:
Author #7
1st surname:
2nd surname:
Author #8
1st surname:
2nd surname:
* With the abstract it is necessary to fill out a format with the following information:

Please, the file must be uploaded in pdf.

* File:



