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The 9th General Linguistics Conference (/IX Congreso de Lingüística
General/) will be held at University of Valladolid from 21st to 23rd of June, 2010. This Conference will follow the path of previous meetings of linguists, beginning at the University de Valencia (1994) and later continued at Granada (1996), Salamanca (1998), Cádiz (2000), León (2002), Santiago de Compostela (2004), Barcelona (2006) and the Autonomous University of Madrid (2008).

The 9th General Linguistics Conference has been conceived as an open forum for the exchange of information and research dealing with diverse components of languages studied from different theoretical perspectives.

The program will be structured as follows:

1. Linguistic Theory and Research Methodology

2. Phonetics and Phonology

3. Morphology

4. Syntax

5. Semantics

6. Pragmatics

7. Discourse Analysis

8. Applied Linguistics

9. Sociolinguistics

10. Psycholinguistics

11. Linguistic Historiography

12. Computational Linguistics

13. Linguistic Typology

14. Sign Languages

The Conference is also designed to be a think tank on the future of the teaching of General linguistics in Spanish universities.

The following round table discussions have been programmed:

- Linguistic Typology

- Cognitive Linguistics

- General Linguistics in university classrooms: present and future.




Evento   Grupo
C/ Paulina Harriet, 27 - 47006 Valladolid - Espa?a
Tfno: 902 500 493 - Fax: 983 22 60 92