NEWS: Complete scientific programme now available | The general list of accepted abstracts is available



Duane Geruschat. "Low Vision Orientation and Mobility: The State of the Art."
During the past 30 years, the profession of Orientation and Mobility has made great strides in the development of curriculums and teaching strategies for low vision.
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Sven Erik G Nilsson, Christina Frennesson and Ulla L Nilsson. "Restoration of reading ability by training of eccentric fixation and by the use of an SLO in patients with severe AMD."
Patients with severe AMD lose their reading ability. What they want above all is to regain their ability to read newspapers. The present study shows a method for obtaining such a result.
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Eli Peli. "Fitting Peripheral Prisms for patients with hemianopia"
This lecture critically reviews the concepts behind various prismatic methods used for the treatment of homonymous hemianopia.
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Frank Eperjesi. "Is the measurment of macular pigment optical density useful in optometric practice?"

Aries Arditi, Ph.D. ''The Mutuality of Vision Science and Visual Accessibility''

Ian Bailey. "Clinical Tests of Vision for Severe Visual Impairment"

Lea Hyvärinen. "Profile of Visual Functioning for Early Intervention and Special Education"
The assessment of visual functioning for early intervention and special education contains both the usual clinical examination of ocular motor functions, sensory functions and evaluation of visual processing functions, altogether more than 70 functions in school children, less in younger children and children with severe disability.
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Michael Crossland. "What is the preferred retinal locus and what do we really know about it?"
People with advanced macular disease in both eyes must use peripheral retina in order to see. This phenomenon of ‘eccentric viewing’ has been described for dark-adapted vision for over 100 years. Von Noorden first described eccentric viewing in macular disease in 1962 and the term 'Preferred Retinal Locus' (PRL) has been used to describe the region of retina used for eccentric viewing since the 1980s. In this presentation I will review the history of the use of this term; the natural history of PRL development; and the implications of eccentric viewing on visual performance. I will discuss how the PRL can be defined and will present the results of a consensus study to develop a proposed definition of the PRL. Methods for assessing eccentric viewing strategies will be described. Finally, I will present some recent work on the task-specific nature of the PRL and I will discuss what still remains unknown about the preferred retinal locus.

Jan E Lovie-Kitchin, PhD; Grace P Soong, PhD; Shirin E Hassan, PhD; Russell Woods, PhD. "Visual Field size for orientation and Mobility referral"

Numerous studies have found that visual field size is the strongest predictor of mobility performance for adults with low vision (LV) but at which size mobility is compromised has not been determined. This study aimed to determine the visual field sizes that put patients at risk of impaired mobility. Inadequate mobility performance was defined by the mobility measures which best discriminated the performance of 109 LV participants with diverse causes of LV from those of 41 age-matched normally sighted (NS) participants. Binocular kinetic visual fields were measured with the Humphrey Field Analyzer and mobility performance was assessed on an obstacle-rich, indoor course. Mobility measures were percent preferred walking speed (PPWS) and number of obstacle contacts. Referral criteria were determined from visual field sizes of those LV participants who had both unsafe and inefficient mobility. LV participants with PPWS < 38% and errors > 6 were classified as having inadequate mobility compared to NS participants. Mobility appeared to be first compromised when the visual field was less than about 1.2steradians (sr) (the solid angle of a circular visual field of about 70 degrees diameter). Practitioners should be alert to potential mobility difficulties at this point through careful case history. Visual fields less than 0.63sr (52 degrees diameter) discriminated patients with at-risk mobility. Assessment for mobility rehabilitation seems warranted at this stage. A visual field of 0.05sr (15 degrees diameter) discriminated those with critical mobility. Mobility rehabilitation should be conducted before this stage as independent mobility is likely to be severely impaired.

Krister Inde. "A, B and SEE!"

A = Book about the Emotional Issues of Visual Loss: SEE BAD FEEL GOOD!
B = Born with Visual Impairment? SEE MORE magnifies your Visual Desire!
SEE = SEEnior - a Global AMD Rehab Program for seniors!

In order to provide materials in low vision rehabilitation, several different aspects must be considered. The three most important issues are: psychotraumatical aspects, increasing visual performance in children and making it easier for adults and elderly to use optical devices. The 70 low vision clinics in Scandinavia (including Iceland) are using the three SEEmaterials in different ways to obtain optimal use of vision in relation to acceptance, perception and adaptation to new techniques.

Robert W. Massof, Ph.D. "Measuring Outcomes of Low Vision Rehabilitation"

People with impaired vision experience difficulty performing daily activities. The objective of medical and surgical interventions is to improve the person’s vision, thereby making everyday activities easier to perform. However, in many cases visual impairments cannot be reversed with medical or surgical treatments; they are chronic and cause functional limitations and disability. Chronic visual impairments that interfere with a person’s daily functioning collectively are termed low vision. The objectives of low vision rehabilitation are to provide people with tools that enhance their impaired vision, teach them skills to optimize their vision, or implement adaptations that compensate for their poor vision. Ultimately, both medical/surgical intervention and low vision rehabilitation have the objective of making daily activities that are important to the person easier to perform. So, in both cases, outcome measures should quantify the difficulty people experience with performing their daily activities. To develop an outcome measure, we begin by recognizing that each person has some level of visual ability and each activity demands some level of visual ability to be performed with a criterion level of ease.

Mary Lou Jackson, MD. Residency Education about Vision Rehab.






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