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Duane Geruschat. "Low Vision Orientation and Mobility: The State of the Art."
Durante los últimos 30 a?os, la profesión ha hecho grandes progresos en el desarrollo de planes de estudio y estrategias de ense?anza en lo referente a la baja visión.
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Sven Erik G Nilsson, Christina Frennesson and Ulla L Nilsson. "Restoration of reading ability by training of eccentric fixation and by the use of an SLO in patients with severe AMD."
Los pacientes con degeneración macular relacionada con la edad (AMD) grave pierden su capacidad de lectura. Lo que ellos quieren, ante todo, es recuperar su capacidad de leer los periódicos. El presente estudio muestra un método para la obtención de tal resultado.
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Eli Peli. "Fitting Peripheral Prisms for patients with hemianopia"
Esta conferencia revisa críticamente los conceptos que hay detrás de los diversos métodos utilizados para el tratamiento de la hemianopsia homónima.
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Frank Eperjesi. "Is the measurment of macular pigment optical density useful in optometric practice?"

Aries Arditi, Ph.D. ''The Mutuality of Vision Science and Visual Accessibility''

Ian Bailey. "Clinical Tests of Vision for Severe Visual Impairment"

Lea Hyvärinen. "Profile of Visual Functioning for Early Intervention and Special Education"
La ponencia versará sobre el perfil de la función visual para intervenir en la edad temprana y actuar con una educación especial.
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Michael Crossland. "What is the preferred retinal locus and what do we really know about it?"
Se presentarán algunos trabajos recientes sobre la naturaleza de la PRL y los resultados de un estudio para elaborar una propuesta de definición de la PRL.

Jan E Lovie-Kitchin, PhD; Grace P Soong, PhD; Shirin E Hassan, PhD; Russell Woods, PhD. "Visual Field size for orientation and Mobility referral"

Numerosos estudios han demostrado que el tama?o del campo visual es el predictor más fuerte de los resultados de movilidad para adultos con baja visión (LV), pero en el que el tama?o de la movilidad se ve comprometida no se ha determinado.

Krister Inde. "A, B and SEE!"

A = Book about the Emotional Issues of Visual Loss: SEE BAD FEEL GOOD!
B = Born with Visual Impairment? SEE MORE magnifies your Visual Desire!
SEE = SEEnior - a Global AMD Rehab Program for seniors!

Robert W. Massof, Ph.D. "Measuring Outcomes of Low Vision Rehabilitation"

People with impaired vision experience difficulty performing daily activities. The objective of medical and surgical interventions is to improve the person’s vision, thereby making everyday activities easier to perform. However, in many cases visual impairments cannot be reversed with medical or surgical treatments; they are chronic and cause functional limitations and disability. Chronic visual impairments that interfere with a person’s daily functioning collectively are termed low vision. The objectives of low vision rehabilitation are to provide people with tools that enhance their impaired vision, teach them skills to optimize their vision, or implement adaptations that compensate for their poor vision. Ultimately, both medical/surgical intervention and low vision rehabilitation have the objective of making daily activities that are important to the person easier to perform. So, in both cases, outcome measures should quantify the difficulty people experience with performing their daily activities. To develop an outcome measure, we begin by recognizing that each person has some level of visual ability and each activity demands some level of visual ability to be performed with a criterion level of ease.

Mary Lou Jackson, MD. Residency Education about Vision Rehab.






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